
  • Sustainable Society. Towards a Research Agenda for the University of Groningen
    Keynote presentation at the Kick-off Symposium of the strategic research area Sustainable Society (June 4, 2012)
    (Positioning Paper)
  • The End of the Society of Organizations? Theory and Evidence on Organizational and Social Change
    Invited lecture at the Bielefelder Kolloquium zur Organisationssoziologie (April 30, 2012)
     (Video Podcast)
  • Network Dynamics and Cooperation in Organizations. A Relational Signaling Perspective
    Invited lecture at the Third International Workshop on Social Network Analysis (ARS’11) (Naples, June 23-25, 2011)
  • Turnover, HRM and Motivation in Humanitarian Organizations: A Review
    Invited lecture at the World Conference of Humanitarian Studies (Groningen, February 2009)